
Zhejiang Online News November 24,http://caigou123.com/?action-viewcomment-type-zhishi-itemid-46

"My niece was 16 months old,peuterey outlet, ah, the couple divorced, why the anger spread to own flesh and blood people?" Yesterday morning, Dongyang City,http://bbs.yapaifs.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11382989, Lake Town Lake Village villagers reflects the very fact that the newspaper news hotline, said his niece small Tingting Wang mother grandmother was killed.

At 10:00 on November 23, in Lake Village, this house is caught in great grief. Tingting granddaughter grandmother took out a small percentage of sunshine sad to say: "hey a child, it just disappeared." Tingting small family is angry,piumino moncler,http://www.zbqcg.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=29824, said the killers should not be Qingrao.

Small Tingting Zhang Hang father told reporters,air max femme pas cher, November 22 at noon, he went to the market to do business in Yiwu Huangyuan from the field. Afternoon,hogan 2013, he received a call from his family, saying "small Tingting sick grandmother had sent her to the hospital." 15:00,http://car-life.adg7.com,woolrich roma, so he went to Lake Creek Center Hospital and saw a police car parked in front of my heart suddenly nervous. After entering hospitals, waiting for him is more bad news: small Tingting been killed died in the hospital. The relatives and friends within the meaning of the killer is his ex-wife Wang.

Zhang Hang Zhang Tairong neighbor said the day more than 13:00, Zhang nobody, rushed over to Wang became very excited at the door kept head against the iron gate, head is bumped, but no word said. Later, two relatives heard the news came to Wang pulled, She just burst into tears: "My daughter was killed,woolrich roma, you go and see a doctor!"

Hang Zhang said that after the public security organs involved, the family suddenly said his ex-wife ex-wife had been "crazy." "Has been good to all people,peuterey uomo, how crazy would it?"

Town Lake Village in Wang's parents home,hogan scarpe outlet, Wang's grandmother said: "She (Wang) is due to stand against her mother, went to the hospital transfusion." Tingting killed a small room on the first floor of the house edge,nike air max pas cher, only an old wooden bed mattress, police removed the relevant evidence.

For small Tingting why the victim, said the old man did not know, just say their families have been very good for small Tingting,http://bf-farm.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=812226&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=3259961, graceful little while ago just to buy a lot of new clothes.

Surprisingly, in the village Hang Zhang also complained. Neighbors said Guo Yuzhen, Wang Tingting good for small, but the child's father usually do not see the child.

In this regard, Zhang Hang explanation, he also wants to see,http://www.clemson.edu/oirweb1/myfactbook/cgi-bin/factbookmaker.cgi, but the King family would not let him the door, and has been looked down upon him,woolrich uomo, which makes him feel wronged. Earlier this month,giubbotti woolrich, the two sides of the court judgment of divorce, the mother owned a small Tingting Wang upbringing.

Dongyang police after continuous investigation,http://books.boatdesign.net/bookstore/books.cgi, basically confirmed Wang suspected of intentional homicide,http://www.com-corporation.co.jp/omaezaki/cgi-bin/bbs/light.cgi,scarpe hogan scontate, and in yesterday morning to Detention.


News in the end, "stepmother suspended or beaten three hours, six-year-old boy hands necrosis"

 News flash back to Children's Hospital of Hebei Province, admitted to a six-year-old boy Zhuangzhuang hands obviously avascular necrosis, faced amputation surgery. Zhuangzhuang stepmother admitted that the Zhuangzhuang hands tied up, tied him three hours.

□ reporter Shi Xing Meng

His father remorse want to sell cars to the children wounded

June 11, the newspaper reported, aroused strong concern in the community, the people who are doing the stepmother of Zhuangzhuang bitter, very worried about Zhuangzhuang (a pseudonym) injury. 10 am yesterday, the reporter went to the Children's Hospital of Hebei Province, visits again.

It is understood that after the medical treatment of a variety of indicators currently Zhuangzhuang obviously brought the matter to the body, kidney function is in the normal range, stable vital signs,air max pas cher, have been transferred to the orthopedic ward from the intensive care unit for treatment, physical ability to recover, whether require amputation, skin grafting and other surgical decide. In the orthopedic ward,http://www.yzhyw.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=613626, a dozen doctors are on Zhuangzhuang consultation. Medical staff revealed that consultation of doctors, from the province of three specialized hospital hired two orthopedic experts. It is understood, June 13, will be invited to Beijing Children's Hospital of Hebei Children's Hospital experts Zhuangzhuang remote consultation, and then combine the results of the provincial consultation Hospitals experts to Zhuangzhuang surgery.

Liu Zhuang Zhuang's father has been deeply regret this, for Zhuangzhuang injuries are also very anxious. A medical staff, said:. ". Liu said the money, in order to Zhuangzhuang wounded, he went to sell the car did not know did not sell, you can see Ryu really anxious for the children." The medical staff also said,air max, "Zhuang Zhuang's father saw the two leading experts on the knees, seeking expert as possible to keep the child's hand." Liu Zhuang Zhuang's father refused to reporters. Zhuangzhuang's mother Ms. Lee said: "Which children are naughty, adults should not have too many excesses as long as the child can keep both hands,tn pas cher, I do not want to hold somebody responsible, after all,http://www.wangdaijun.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=93315, they are like family,woolrich outlet, but also need to live, me. They do not want to break up. "

18:45 yesterday, Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Xinhua news release: June 10 13 am, followed by the case, the Xinhua branch leadership attaches great importance to the legal department of early intervention branch instructions require Shek Kong Street police station immediately organized effort work. Shek Kong Street police station set up task force, and quickly arrange police investigators rushed to hospital Zhuangzhuang lived investigations,giubbotti woolrich, the boy to his father,http://www.qcez.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=28562, stepmother, and the case back to the police station for questioning about the staff. At present, the police have to take coercive measures against Zhuangzhuang's stepmother,piumino moncler, the case is under further investigation.

Medical ignorance evil stepmother

■ Provincial Children's Hospital, director of orthopedics Zhang Fang

Normal metabolism is aerobic metabolism, anaerobic metabolism is waste, the child's arms were tied after prolonged squeeze, the body produces a lot of waste, and then let go, along the blood vessels leading to the waste flow into the body, the child's liver ,http://www.yucheng.me/home.php?mod=space&uid=77230, kidney, heart have caused great harm. Just Zhuangzhuang admission enzymes,woolrich donna, abnormal renal special than a thousand times the normal indicators of high, after the Provincial Children's Hospital to do a triage Zhuangzhuang, immediately made a hemodialysis,http://wutaishan.city.sohu.com/club/home.php?mod=space&uid=21508, the renal function Zhuangzhuang salvaged, Zhuangzhuang now very good, I have to Zhuangzhuang dressing, let him moving hands, They hand a move,peuterey outlet milano, the children also laughed. Palm necrosis Zhuangzhuang are now cut the mouth Hanging it, fear of infection, once the infection will be life-threatening. So do not allow random media interviews, but also does not allow the public to visit.

Yesterday morning, the Provincial Hospitals orthopedic experts came to the Children's Hospital for two Zhuangzhuang conducted consultation, two orthopedic specialists are authoritative, they think we're very good early treatment,woolrich outlet, so soon from a life-threatening state reversed, it is is not easy. Now is to make Zhuangzhuang physical recovery, restore kidney function and prevent infection. Then observe the critical point where the surgery, as much as possible to save the palm of limb function,http://bbs.360zhongyuan.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=519203, can cut a few centimeters less cut one centimeter, so the child will be able to take care of themselves.

I personally think Zhuangzhuang stepmother did not mean the child should be so hurt, but her medical knowledge caused by ignorance. Child's arm tightly bundled long,air max pas cher, resulting in blood does not flow, resulting in avascular necrosis. Of course,woolrich outlet, exactly how the case should be determined by the public security department.

These days,http://www.lingyunshuyuan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1560864,air max femme pas cher, there are a lot of caring people braved the heat to the Provincial Children's Hospital donations. For convenience, the Provincial Children's Hospital,http://sc.admin987.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=323257, a charity dedicated to open specially Zhuangzhuang account: Account Name: Hebei Children's Hospital; Bank: Bank of China branch in Yudong; Account number: 100147745562

(Original title: Zhuangzhuang dad rush to sell cars to the children wounded)


A mother owed gambling usury, creditors are always tight, then she wanted to sell her daughter out of the same class of female students cheat kidnapping approach. 16-year-old daughter to help his mother to look for a good one looks relatively wealthy female students, one week continuously invite the other party did not agree. Later,outlet moncler, watching his mother urging a tight grip, she about the class and another girl my age.

The evening of February 25, the mother and daughter lie there sleeping girl to drink beverages, will be taken to a nearby Purple Mountain, and threatened to kill each other. Subsequently, the mother was murdered girl's father play to call,http://www.xingjia100.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=86103&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=934162, extortion 3 million. For the kidnapping of the play was vivid, the father of her daughter also extorted 1 million. Later, in spite of the mother and daughter want to fabricate stories to muddle through, but was eventually debunked lie. Recently, the mother and child on suspicion of intentional homicide, abduction Jianye District Procuratorate approved the arrest.

□ Express correspondent reporter Zhang Yu Jian true

Strange kidnapping

Two girls "missing" black hand was actually one of us

This year at 22:00 on February 25 and more, Nanjing,giubbotti moncler, a vocational school students in Yang Xiaoqing's father suddenly received a blackmail phone, the other said kidnapped Xiaoqing, to 1 million ransom. Yang panic,http://youiv.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, immediately rushed to the police.

Xiaoqing classmate's father leaves the Philippines old leaves, also received a similar extortion calls, the person said to be three million. Meanwhile father reported her daughter missing two,louboutin soldes, which caused police attention, the police launched a night investigation.

Police report requires parents to keep in touch with the kidnappers, and began to investigate the relationship between two people of the community. In the work being carried out on them, the case of a turnaround: Xiaoqing Yang's daughter back. 26 am, Xiaoqing Jiang Ying mother was taken to the police station.

In the police station, Xiaoqing said another version of "kidnapping Story" - the night before she went shopping together and leaves the Philippines, the two discuss the sake weekend escape school exams, are reluctant to go home, so he called to each other The father, who was kidnapped lied, in fact, did not mean money. Xiaoqing said she later learned that his father was afraid to report, so it accompanied by the mother, came to the police station to explain the situation.

The reason the two girls disappeared seemingly overnight that clear, but why do not YeFei back together with her? In this regard, Xiaoqing said: "Ye Fei to Yangzhou see someone up." But as to who the users are, how YeFei contact with each other, but faltered Xiaoqing not answer. The police investigation found that Xiaoqing said the situation has a lot of loopholes, especially Xiaoqing Jiang Ying and her mother's attitude to dodge doubt. Subsequently, the police found Xiaoqing's father, said that there may be a hidden reason behind, hoping to enlighten his daughter, let Xiaoqing tell the truth.

26 evening, aunt and father Xiaoqing Jiang Ying Yang came to the residence, hoping Xiaoqing can tell the truth. February 27 morning,woolrich parka, Xiaoqing finally admitted to his father,louboutin, said her classmates had died --25 leaves the Philippines at 7 o'clock, she and the mother Jiang Ying Ye Fei killed, while one million extortion phone is Jiang Ying calling. Hear her say these words, the Yang just on the verge of collapse,woolrich outlet, he could not believe his daughter and Jiang Ying do such things.

Xiaoqing also told his father, dares not tell the truth,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, because the mother Jiang Ying had threatened her, if she was telling the truth to outsiders, Jiang Ying will be on her father and grandfather, grandmother negative. After listening to her words, Yang calm their emotions, and then to call the police calls.

The story behind

Gambling mother owed loan sharks, to identify targets daughter

In the name of her daughter's birthday, a classmate about an

Xiaoqing Yang say the fact that their father almost collapsed, however, why she and her mother kidnapped Jiang Ying make things? Originally,woolrich uomo, Jiang Ying owed more than 70 million of the loan sharks, seeing the repayment period is approaching, she will have to look for a rich man to help his daughter kidnapping. This year only 16 years old Xiaoqing sleepwalk listened mother, to name birthday about a classmate Ye Fei, Jiang Ying and partnership also will kill each other.

When Xiaoqing Jiang Ying was born five months away from home, followed by grandparents grew Xiaoqing childhood. Ying Jiang Xiaoqing father after leaving another group of families to live in general,http://www.cnnetech.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but also infected with the gambling habit. Last July, Jiang Ying gambling losses, borrowed a lot of usury. With more roll more interest to this year in January already owed more than 70 million. Jiang Ying casually on Xiaoqing said, "Mom owed more than 70 million, if not starting, then tied a rich man good."

During the Spring Festival, the moneylenders who find Jiang Ying, said that February 28 is the deadline, if they do not pay back the money went to the house to make trouble. Jiang Ying little scared, let Xiaoqing looking for their own kidnap a wealthy classmate. Xiaoqing started to say the name of a male student, Jiang Ying immediately denied, said the boys big effort to get fixed. Subsequently, Xiaoqing say a female classmate who lives west of the names of the mother and daughter think this goal is "tricky", even if the family did not cash, the value of the house can be a lot of money.

From that day, every day after school Xiaoqing, will take the initiative to go about that girl out to dinner, but for a week, the family does not agree with the other side are refused the invitation. February 25, Xiaoqing see my mother always reminders,http://repo.kyoto-wu.ac.jp, casually about a class called YeFei girl, "My mother gave me a birthday today, and you eat it together!" Ye are the Philippines and Xiaoqing is 16 years old,woolrich sito ufficiale, a classmate, he readily accepted.

25 pm after school, Jiang Ying driving a rented car to Xiaoqing school gate, connected to the daughter and leaves the Philippines, the three go to a birthday party and laughing. YeFei do not know, this day is not Xiaoqing birthday.

On the "prey" drugging, first threatened to kill three million Houle Suo

To deceive the public, she called to ransom the father to daughter

From the beginning of February 22, Jiang Ying and Xiao Qing go near the Confucius Temple,piumini moncler, the purchase of a maximum number of trolley suitcase, and then buy a tape after another, sleeping pills, you can change the sound of two special phones and two phone card.

February 25 evening,http://www.neuronet.co.jp,outlet moncler, with Xiaoqing Jiang Ying and leaves the Philippines into the hotel. When eating, leaves the Philippines for some reason left for a moment, Jiang Ying took the opportunity to sleeping pills into a prepared beverage YeFei after unwitting YeFei back, they drank the medication drinks.

Until this point, Xiaoqing was secretly told Jiang Ying, Ye Fei was not originally looking girl. Jiang Ying did not say anything, but tentatively asked YeFei parents are doing the work. Ye Fei's father was an ordinary working-class, but she felt that this occupation is to say it did not face too much, he casually said his father ran a small company, at home there Passat sedan. Jiang Ying listening to a little disappointed, but this time leaves the Philippines has drank the medicine away from the deadline for creditors expect prescribed a few days,http://bbs.etiee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=198925, and Jiang Ying to bite the bullet and continue.

Subsequently, Ye Fei indicated a wish to go home, three on the last Jiang Ying rented car,nike air max pas cher, drove up not long YeFei gradually fall asleep. Jiang Ying directly drove to nearby Purple. Then open your eyes to struggle Ye Fei, Jiang Ying and her daughter wrapped with tape leaves the Philippines, the partnership will kill each other.

Found YeFei pulse stops, Jiang Ying little afraid that she would put the bodies YeFei trolley case, on the trunk.

More than 10 points that night, Jiang Ying use can change the sound of the phone to call my parents leaves the Philippines, claiming the child was kidnapped themselves, let the other side ready to 3,000,000 yuan ransom, otherwise threatened to kill. Her father gave Xiaoqing Yang called and require Xiaoqing father to pay 1 million ransom.

Want to see big things out to close the case, but it eluded capture

Mother and daughter had wanted to bury the bodies, but did not succeed

Jiang Ying Yang to fight extortion calls, just want to kidnap the play more real. After Yang received a phone call, rushed to Jiang Ying called and asked whether the news that his daughter, Jiang Ying said that flew past. She also confessed daughter Xiaoqing all the phones are thrown into the river, directly to a hotel rendezvous.

In the evening, Jiang Ying Ye Fei at the police station to see the father of old leaves, this time, she did not know what the old leaves to start a company, but an ordinary wage earners. Although Jiang Ying very disappointed, but the girl's father saw two police, she felt something big out, they decided to let them close the case Xiaoqing. So February 26 morning, she took Xiaoqing said that carefully concocted the kidnapping story.

After leaving the police station, Xiaoqing Jiang Ying took back to the hotel,http://www.addyourvoice.co/activity/p/208598/,woolrich milano, then drove to the Tangshan mother and daughter. Jiang Ying, a relative of the cemetery in Tangshan, she wanted to open the graves of relatives, the trolley case into the grave, but was opposed to the locals, had to drive back.

26 evening, aunt and father Xiaoqing Jiang Ying Yang came to the residence, 27 am Xiaoqing finally tell the truth. About at 3:00 on the 27th, Jiang Ying, Xiaoqing suspicion of intentional homicide in the home XingJu. Recently two men were prosecutors approved the arrest, charges involved more than a kidnapping. (Department of text characters are not his real name)


□ Evening News reporter Wang Nan reports

This year 31-year-old Ling rainbow of Pusan ​​Road No. 603 Huizhong apartment building too familiar - here are her own family, she was admitted to the University here, also married from here. Today,chaussures nike pas cher, Hong Ling 27-month-old daughter grew up, laugh tender and pleasant, with big eyes and her mother is very similar.

Because the company in Pudong, with children also need to take the hand to take care of my grandmother, Hong Ling still often go back to live in this building. However, so she never imagined that 25 years ago, she was rescued from the water savior, even with her has been living in the same building, and we "meet strangers opposite."

"This thank you, buried in the bottom of my heart for many years, no uncle, not long ago I am today." Ling Hong said. Is this how it is? This opened a dusty past.

Diving rescued drowning girls 25 years ago

Wu Yinzhen a pair of twin daughters,moncler sito ufficiale, is one of Hong Ling's sister.

In June 1988 in a Sunday, the twins sisters along with his uncle Wu Jiang copper a person, to the Pudong parks. Wu Jiang copper couple to buy cold drinks,peuterey outlet, two daughters and their sons and sister stayed in the side to play. See fish swimming in the lake, 5-year-old Ling Hongxing excitedly leaned to catch fish. Unexpectedly, slippery mud lake,http://www.ikuwa.or.jp/cgi-bin/bbs/joyful.cgi, slipped fell into the lake.

At this time,basket nike pas cher, 34-year-old Lingui Chun is also the son of the park was busy taking pictures to his wife. "At that time, the camera very seriously, and I deliberately wore a new suit." It Lingui Chun, who recalls that just heard someone yell, "the child fell into the water!" River full of people.

drive past and saw a young body in the lake thump struggling, has floated near the center of the lake. Although many people around, but nobody dared to jump. Lingui Chun camera sideways when about to throw a "boom" soon plunged into the lake, the girl ashore.

"Hindsight a little scared because I did not learn to swim formal, kung fu cat with three legs." Lingui Chun said. Reporters noted that recall the details of that year, two people deviation in time. Lingui Chun think it is spring and autumn days, because he wears a suit, and cotton trousers. Wu then remember that it is summer, because "buy cold drinks."

Then missed the meet due to the change of clothes

Hong Ling choking many small water already scared to find her mother crying. At this time, the couple bought Jiang Wu copper cold back,air max pas cher, looking at the scene, also petrified, holding the little girl again and again comforted.

See the child's parents beside toilet drenched went to change clothes. "It seems there are good people borrowed undershirt to me, can not remember specifically, for so many years. Nothing short child is lucky!" Lingui Chun then screw screwed clothes,parka woolrich, hair and shook, and quietly left.

When Wu Jiang copper recovered quickly catch up with the toilet inquire rescuer's name. "He is the head down wring clothes had nothing to say." Wu Jiang repeatedly stressed copper, "Master Lin is really a good man! At that time a very expensive suit, he did not have time to jump off it!"

Here Lingui Chun said forget forget kept waiting outside, go play with sister Jiabu Zhu asked to disclose the names, "he told ,http://www.sekiauto.com/joyful/joyful.cgi, double timber,woolrich outlet, precious expensive,http://www.pachi.net, spring spring! In Shanghai Grinding Wheel to work!"

Send a thank you note to find benefactors newspaper contributor

Copper Wu Jiang put the whole matter came home and told my sister Wu Yinzhen. "My daughter saved a life, we must personally thank the people!" Wu Yinzhen courageous decision to personally thank the good people.

work Bailianjing shipyard unions. So she wrote a letter of thanks solemnly, the couple made a special trip to the Shalun thanks. "The result Master Lin went to the field trip. At that time, transportation, communications are developed, I did not talk to Master Lin hit the head. Factory leaders say will for me to convey his behalf." Wuyin Zhen said, did not see the forest master, always feel sorry. She also Xinmin Evening News contributor,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, praised the heroic deeds of forest master.

"I remember very clearly. Came a man and a woman two editors and reporters told me to verify it," said Wu Yinzhen. Only to find her understand the situation, the reporter also went to Shanghai Grinding Wheel,http://din-timelines.com/cgi-bin/forums/x-forum.cgi, the results are still not in the forest master.

"Later I learned that the forest master who is enthusiastic, courageous and have several times, but he was particularly low-key,woolrich parka, no external stresses. If not, I say, the factory also did not know he saved my daughter's things." Wu Yinzhen said. Grinding Wheel on Lingui Chun after heroic deeds,http://www.mmjp.or.jp/p-box/contact, given in recognition of a third class.

Has moved into the same building two blocks

Lingui Chun, who lives in the small East Gate, and now he has often with little grandson to visit the Temple of the old house old father. Because four arches demolition, in 2000, moved to buy a house Lingui Chun Pu Road No. 603 Huizhong apartment.

Coincidentally, two years later, had lived in Weifang Road family also moved into the fourth floor of this building. They do neighbors for 10 years,peuterey uomo, has played a few face to face, because did not know pass.

"25 years ago, Pudong, Puxi two people have to play in Pudong Park, is the fate, now moved to live in a building,parka woolrich, it is the edge ah!" Wu Yinzhen emotion. Fast forward so many years, when his daughter is already a move slim young lady, forest master apparently not on the number. The childhood drowning, Hong Ling is "the first time realized that the feeling of fear." Rescue uncle, just a vague figure. Hong Ling grew up, no personally thank the savior, but also became her lingering knot. But the passage of time, and even Shanghai Grinding Wheel room already used for other purposes, empty.

Reporters learned that the more surprising is that after retirement to play Wu Yinzhen heat, also served as secretary of the neighborhood next to the cell, constantly busy, is under the jurisdiction of regional households are well aware of the situation "alley Prime Minister." Happens due to evening, she told residents of the building's own little contact. Unaware benefactor lived upstairs.

Bar public benefactor party lists have names

Pusan ​​Road No. 603 corner of the building, the floor, the group posted 14 photos and names of party members, this is the Pudong New Area,http://www.parachan-k.com/ad2/angel/look.cgi, South Ferry Street "House Party Building Group - bright party status" of a public list of activities, as party members Lingui Chun also public bar.

Because to help her daughter with granddaughter, Wu Yinzhen finally retired and sit up, walk down the stairs from time to time, and the building's neighbors chat. Recently, the 59-year-old go downstairs to open the mailbox, casual bar public when looked under the wall waiting for the elevator.

This glimpse, let Wu Yinzhen hand holding a newspaper suddenly a tight, "Lingui Chun"? Too familiar with this name, printed in my heart for many years. She complained to her husband that night their minds, "name, like age, this is the year Lingui Chun will save us Girl benefactor of it?"

The next morning, Wu Yinzhen immediately called in three of six RC secretary Shen Yun Xiang, hoping to help verify it.

The RC Wu Yinzhen a reply message so overjoyed. He really is! Thing in the world as much a coincidence!

Yesterday, accompanied by the RC cadres and a daughter Ling Hong, Lin came again thanks. See Lingui Chun, Wu Yinzhen approached tightly holding his hand: "Thank you thank this soon 25 years late!!" 59-year-old smiled:. "I have kids, save it should things have gone, Do not mind! "

Then rescued the girls now have a mother. Ling Hong, specifically with two-year-old daughter to visit together. And mother, Ling Hong also very excited: "I always remember an uncle saved me ...... I do not how you have personally today I was finally able to tell you 'Thank you' you're as much!! a daughter,piumino moncler, there are what matter to find Ling Hong,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/photos/jump.cgi,woolrich prezzi, we are one people. "Wu Yinzhen took it, Lingui Chun cheerfully responded," The next time I come to your house to play with the grandchildren, when you have more than a son. "

(Original title: 25 years ago, the water was rescued thanks missed 25 years after the discovery has become a benefactor neighbors)


The first car accident actually escaped, driver recently jingfangxingju

The old man sat in the back seat of a motorcycle is a large truck knocked over and fell to the ground, a large truck driver accelerated and fled. Just getting up from the ground and ready to motorcyclists when propped old man fell to the ground,http://youiv.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, then a bus traveling from the less avoid the fallen old man ran over and killed on the spot. Recently,http://jpgirlsee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=26944,giubbotti woolrich, with the help of a police enthusiastic owners of the hit and run driver under arrest.

At 2:00 on October 6 and more, who lives in Nanjing Jiangbei old man sitting in a friend Shao Lu underwent driving a motorcycle home. When the car driving to State Road 104,hogan,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, forced to overtake a large truck,louboutin pas cher, motorcycle knocked over, Shao and Lu underwent both old man fell heavily to the ground. Lu underwent the driver was injured, Shao old man was injured not light. Can the accident truck driver did not even stop to save directly to accelerate away.

After about 1 minute, Lu underwent reluctantly climbs up from the ground,tn requin pas cher, is preparing to lift still Shao old man lying on the ground. Unexpectedly, when a bus traveling from the avoidance less, from the old man who fell to the ground grinding roll over, causing death. Bus driver spooked, rushed to the police. He said the road was dark and dim,http://www.haiwaihuaren.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=23774,outlet moncler, normal driving himself did not see the old man fell to the ground. What is the old man,hogan outlet, the car will hit the ground? The bus driver said he did not see,scarpe hogan, but the motorcycle driver, also known as Lu underwent was getting late and happened suddenly, he did not see.

Followed by the transfer of the police department at that time surveillance video near the road, for all heavy vehicles passing record. Subsequently, there is a blue truck driver to contact the police said he was passing by,http://www.thecandyland.org/item/create_form/1597,woolrich outlet, witnessed the whole process of the event. Accident is a big red truck, he also wrote down the car's license plate number. Recently,http://bbs.jlun.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,hollister soldes, the police will be the key clue big red truck driver Lee captured. However,nike tn, Lee admitted that he only really passing the incident scene, but did not admit that he hit a person. Police later found further retrieval of surveillance, Lee was driving on the big red truck also sat a man. The understanding that this person was the owner of the cargo vehicle escort. The police found the owner, because he confirmed that Lee was driving too fast, when super motorcycle avoid less,http://youiv.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, almost hit the guardrail on the side of the road. He also heard the truck and motorcycle crash impact sound produced. In the face of the evidence,basket nike pas cher, Lee then had to admit the fact that his hit and run,nike air max pas cher, has been the police criminal detention. The old man accidentally run over to the bus driver also observed due to neglect, to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

Before the car hit the man escape after a car accidentally run over to the people, such things have occurred in reality,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the latter shall bear any responsibility? Reporters interviewed the legal profession was informed escape because the parties caused the accident scene changes, the loss of evidence, the public security organs and the traffic management department was unable to verify the facts of the accident, the escape of the parties shall take full responsibility.

Yangzi Evening News reporter Jiao Zhe


Man owes $ 1.4 million under the ruthless hand creditors

Handcuffed him shackled even hit 39 days off curse

Zunyi County Public Security Bureau uncovered the dispute of the debt due to the lock handcuffs way restriction of personal freedom, for up to 39 days in cases of illegal detention,http://www.clemson.edu/oirweb1/myfactbook/cgi-bin/factbookmaker.cgi,spaccio woolrich, detention officers rescue a captured suspect one.

May 19 morning, Shanxi, a former resident of the county public security bureau father came to Lawrence saying his son was about to Zunyi business, suddenly missing, missing more than a month can not be contacted, is suspected of being kidnapped.

16 am May 19, 1987 in a household plant food market nearby houses, the police seized a former being detained in the house,woolrich sito ufficiale, was arrested the suspect Zhang, a former victim rescued.

According to the investigation, in October 2010, a consultation with the original Zhang, went to Shanxi coal business to do,woolrich outlet, because some of the original money,moncler outlet, by mutual agreement, Zhang borrowed 1.4 million in cash to the original cost of a do. A former course of business, because business is not suitable, not only did not make money in a primary, but lost a lot of money, Zhang chasing after repayment, the original can not repay certain, so Zhang, a report on the original court,http://www.shirts4cancer.com/index.cgi, the court resolved through consultation, Zhang returned three times the original promise of a loan, but the money has not returned a minute.

Zhang decided to retaliate original some,http://bbs.dnsir.cn/thread-24687-1-1.html, after careful consideration,http://cgi3.sun-inet.or.jp/~koumei-s/joyful/joyful.cgi, again in the name of a friend a link to the original,http://bbs.ec-os.net/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=1295875&uid=28277,giubbotti woolrich, and said so on the original find some money and then have to borrow. After several contacts, Zhang invited a former coal pile together to do business,air max pas cher homme, a former money owed Zhang have been very guilty, thinking Zhang to do business, they do not understand this line, also known as Zhang, a former wallowing in the coal industry for many years, so yes Zhang.

April 12, Zhang to do business on the grounds of the original homes in a tricked-out,nike tn pas cher, in the car, put a prepared triazolam anesthetic injection to the original drink a drink, a drink of an original they feel right, so will not drink. Zhang and drink a little helper to see the original drug does not work,spaccio moncler, put the car park to the side of the road, three triazolam will be prepared for a mouth rinse raw force. After the original of a coma, Zhang, which pulled Tongren City, the former after a wake up, found himself locked hands and feet with chains Zhang et al. Zhang began after the original and a helper of abuse, to the original notice of a family to take money from people, each time only to let the original speak a word. Tongren lived in 6 days, see no movement, Zhang and others from Tongren to put some original Zunyi city,piumini moncler, take the same approach to a hound original payments. Due to fear of being discovered, Zhang and three times the original transfer of a place of detention, and finally to 10 days before the original 1987 Zunyi taken to a nearby plant a vegetable market, renting a private house for a continued detention in the original house.

According to the police investigation,nike tn pas cher,http://dms.org.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=222084, in particular the process of the original detention, Zhang et al.,air max femme pas cher, Allowed a former speak loudly, repeatedly tracing the original family and friends is a rich, sometimes also in the process of questioning the original of a beating, because of the time compared Long,woolrich outlet,http://holoing.com/read.php?tid=576120&ds=1, Zhang invited the people to help care 24 hours a day to monitor some of the original.

According to the investigation, the suspect Zhang slate town of Zunyi County Department of days Wangcun people.

Currently,http://www.58bigdata.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=144368, Zhang due to illegal deprivation of liberty, the crime of illegal detention by the police criminal detention.


Newspaper reporter Wei Zou Wei Ning Sun Wuying intern correspondent Zhou Bowen

Because lover refused to divorce, promises, early July 2002,http://www.gedichte-garten.de, a rental Lake district,hogan outlet, Hunan a woman Gui (a pseudonym) fled after killing her lover. Recently, the police will be in the field next calendar incognito and marry woman Gui captured.

Divorce is difficult to fulfill commitments lover

Under pain of their infatuation female killer

Gui, 39 years old this year, his hometown in Hunan. Petite, she's hard to face the same good and "murderer" equate.

10 years ago,air max femme pas cher, 29-year-old Gui local married. After marriage, Gui migrant workers to support their family. By chance, a company with Hunan Gui Yu Mou met and fell in love. Mou was also married. In 2002, the company should be required, Mou to economic development business. Gui is throwing his hometown in Hunan husband to follow her lover came to Jinan, and together they rented in the Clear Lake area.

Lixia Interpol police brigade Jian told reporters, Mou had Gui promise: he would divorce his wife, and she later married. However, Mou still have not seen action, so the problem they frequently quarreled.

In early July 2002,woolrich sito ufficiale, one night, Mou home drunk,http://www.sweetcotton.com/cgi/t_cgi/berry/berry.cgi, and he therefore again Gui Naoqi awkward. After some argument, and fell asleep drunk Mou, Gui extremely disappointed at first got a rope tied hands and feet will Yumou, then got bricks from the kitchen of a loved one kill. Subsequently,woolrich roma, Gui Ji fled away.

Murder suspect fled the field

Incognito marry a girl

"The evening of 23 July 2002, we received a public warning: Lake district residents a home and found a badly decomposed body of a man,woolrich sito ufficiale," said Li Jian Lixia Interpol, the deceased is Mou, Mou's mistress, I do not know Gui whereabouts were included in a major crime suspects to the police. Gui has four ad hoc police rushed to Hunan home, she had to work three times to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places investigation,peuterey sito ufficiale, but found no trace of Gui.

Later, the police learned that Gui has not fled his hometown in Hunan, but with the help of a distant relative,http://rehabili.godream.ne.jp/cgi-bin/bbs14/bbs14.cgi, the handle of a fake ID, alias Liu Xin, went to a suburban farm Xiaogan, while working side potential of the down.

2003, in Xiaogan lurking for some time, conscious of Gui wind passed to Liu Xin pseudonym and a local man Jie (pseudonym) met, married and had a daughter. In 2004, in his hometown in Hunan Gui husband failed to find his wife, through legal means for a divorce.

In 2012, the provincial Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Public Security Bureau to carry out a major arrest fugitive crucial action, the fugitive police Gui is a top priority under the calendar. "Before the attitudes and reactions by Gui family,http://yaans.com/profile.php?id=4155, we analyze Gui still alive,woolrich sito ufficiale,http://www.groundriddim.com/h/cgi/news/news.cgi, but his family is likely to know their whereabouts." Police said Li Jian.

Police arrest extensive investigation

Final suspect arrested in Hubei

June 2012,http://www.fukushi-hiroba.com/magazine/cgi/talk/ftalk.cgi?res=219%, police set up Zhuabu Zu Lixia,nike tn requin, once again rushed to Hunan investigation. After painstaking Mo Pai visited, Lixia police informed: Gui probably married the Xiaogan. And a man named Zhang Jie (pseudonym), Hubei men also entered the police's attention. Police rushed to the local Civil Affairs Bureau marriage records check and found his wife Liu Xin Jie Gui photos with very similar, and there is only one difference between the figures ID number. Liu Xin's daughter learned in elementary school after Wenchuan, police also rushed to Wenchuan. By Liu Xin identify her daughter's teacher,woolrich sito ufficiale,http://bbs.hlltjituan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=189530, the police further determined that Liu Xin Gui himself.

The evening of August 30, police found Gui Zhuabu Zu hideout near Wenchuan a market, but they did not immediately burst into the room implementation of the arrest. Originally,louboutin soldes, the house also Gui 8-year-old daughter.

"In order to avoid children being frightened, we have been waiting outside the house." Police said Li Jian. Later they learned that at this time there has been vigilant Gui: On the one hand, Gui quit existing work, and Hubei divorce her husband Zhang Jie; on the one hand, she became acquainted with the provinces through QQ, a man, and the other to talk about marriage On marriage,http://www.menqiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, staged once again want to withdraw its role trick. Due to miss 8-year-old daughter, the night Gui daughter farewell to his own hiding place, intends to leave at dawn Hubei fled again.

August 31 6:00 in the morning,abercrombie milano, after learning Gui daughter sleep Zhuabu Zu police only with the help of the landlord under the Gui "please" out of the house.

Currently, Gui confessed their crimes, has been Jingfangxingju. Thus,air max pas cher, under the Public Security Bureau in the city's calendar apprehending fugitives tackling major actions, intentional homicide fugitive arrest rate of 100%.