
The first car accident actually escaped, driver recently jingfangxingju

The old man sat in the back seat of a motorcycle is a large truck knocked over and fell to the ground, a large truck driver accelerated and fled. Just getting up from the ground and ready to motorcyclists when propped old man fell to the ground,http://youiv.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, then a bus traveling from the less avoid the fallen old man ran over and killed on the spot. Recently,http://jpgirlsee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=26944,giubbotti woolrich, with the help of a police enthusiastic owners of the hit and run driver under arrest.

At 2:00 on October 6 and more, who lives in Nanjing Jiangbei old man sitting in a friend Shao Lu underwent driving a motorcycle home. When the car driving to State Road 104,hogan,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, forced to overtake a large truck,louboutin pas cher, motorcycle knocked over, Shao and Lu underwent both old man fell heavily to the ground. Lu underwent the driver was injured, Shao old man was injured not light. Can the accident truck driver did not even stop to save directly to accelerate away.

After about 1 minute, Lu underwent reluctantly climbs up from the ground,tn requin pas cher, is preparing to lift still Shao old man lying on the ground. Unexpectedly, when a bus traveling from the avoidance less, from the old man who fell to the ground grinding roll over, causing death. Bus driver spooked, rushed to the police. He said the road was dark and dim,http://www.haiwaihuaren.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=23774,outlet moncler, normal driving himself did not see the old man fell to the ground. What is the old man,hogan outlet, the car will hit the ground? The bus driver said he did not see,scarpe hogan, but the motorcycle driver, also known as Lu underwent was getting late and happened suddenly, he did not see.

Followed by the transfer of the police department at that time surveillance video near the road, for all heavy vehicles passing record. Subsequently, there is a blue truck driver to contact the police said he was passing by,http://www.thecandyland.org/item/create_form/1597,woolrich outlet, witnessed the whole process of the event. Accident is a big red truck, he also wrote down the car's license plate number. Recently,http://bbs.jlun.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,hollister soldes, the police will be the key clue big red truck driver Lee captured. However,nike tn, Lee admitted that he only really passing the incident scene, but did not admit that he hit a person. Police later found further retrieval of surveillance, Lee was driving on the big red truck also sat a man. The understanding that this person was the owner of the cargo vehicle escort. The police found the owner, because he confirmed that Lee was driving too fast, when super motorcycle avoid less,http://youiv.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, almost hit the guardrail on the side of the road. He also heard the truck and motorcycle crash impact sound produced. In the face of the evidence,basket nike pas cher, Lee then had to admit the fact that his hit and run,nike air max pas cher, has been the police criminal detention. The old man accidentally run over to the bus driver also observed due to neglect, to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

Before the car hit the man escape after a car accidentally run over to the people, such things have occurred in reality,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the latter shall bear any responsibility? Reporters interviewed the legal profession was informed escape because the parties caused the accident scene changes, the loss of evidence, the public security organs and the traffic management department was unable to verify the facts of the accident, the escape of the parties shall take full responsibility.

Yangzi Evening News reporter Jiao Zhe