
In 2006, he was in Nantong car, then to his hometown in Hubei car pawn. To avoid combat,woolrich outlet, he had changed out with younger brother fled identity. 2008, because short of money,peuterey, he resumed business, the implementation of rental fraud, after a burglary at the jail. However, has been over three years, no one has found him to be false jail.

Nantong police meticulous judged a "mole" problems found by the photo, uncover his false mask.

□ Express correspondent correspondent Mr Chan Jiang Wen Chen Pengfan


Hubei and Zhejiang provinces across the Soviet Union,hogan outlet,http://www.vfxjournal.net/blog/item/create_form/1, in addition to fraud,spaccio woolrich, but also to rob

Cheated three cars, all pawn realizable

The car is in Nantong, pawnshop Hubei

Lu Zhao Jin, Hubei Yangxin County. October 2005, he came to do the engineering business in Nantong,woolrich parka outlet, two months later because the family elders died, he begins Nantong City Yi Bridge near a private car rental shop to rent a car and go home, promptly after the car returned. Because generous, but also the car in a timely manner, proprietress rental shop specially left a contact for next cooperation.

In early 2006, Lu Zhao Jin Hubei going to run the project because, he dialed the number , leased a car from a car rental shop worth 250,000 Volkswagen Passat sedan. To Hubei, Lu Zhao Jin and a group of friends when chatting,http://www.gossun.net, listening with a friend, said in Qinghai ore business can make a lot of money, and fast returns, but there is still some start-up capital. Speaker has no intention, the listener interested, Lu Zhao Yang County, Kinmen and Matsu up a new company called King pawn to 100,000 yuan monthly interest rate of 15% of the price will be rented Passat sedan pawn. After too much, Lu Zhao Jin put all the money invested in a friend's business, I did not expect this business actually lose his money are all now lost.

Car used to pawn, but the money comes easy, Lu Zhao Jin Hu Meiyu decision to win the trust of the maximum, and then mercilessly earn a fortune. Shortly after, Lu Zhao Jin returned Nantong came shop again,http://www.electrothermalheating-748013.adminkc.cn, the car is not enough to run the project, the name of three days to return once again rented out a modern car. The first three days, Lu Zhao Jin-time together with the Passat car rental will be returned, a move that further gained Hu Meiyu trust.

In mid-January 2006, Lu Zhao Jin once again came car rental shop to the Passat was borrowed from a friend to open up, you need to borrow a car yourself using the name, rented a car worth 350,000 Buick Regal sedan from Office . By the end of January 2006, the car was again Lu Zhao Jin Wuhan Construction Engineering Group CEOs drove himself again in the name of rental rent a car, with trust their own, Lu Zhao Jin also successfully drove a car worth 200,000 Bora rent out. Later, the two cars were Lu Zhao Jin to more than 90,000, more than 100,000 yuan in new King pawn pawn.

Waited nearly a month, Lu Zhao Jin did not come until the car, found that the situation wrong immediately reported the matter to the police Chongchuan.

February 22, 2006, Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Brigade of the case on file for investigation, to arrest the suspect Lu Zhao Jin.

Incarnation brother fled, and cheat a car

Fled Wuhan, still did not forget "old"

Money early March 2006, when Lu Zhao Jin informed by Nantong Public Security online pursuit after he took the car to get the pawn began exile life. Think of his brother and himself looks similar and has been at home, and even the home side not many people know him, then brought his brother Lu Lu Zhao Jin Zhongyuan identity, using his brother's name out abscond.

In mid-March 2006, Lu Zhao Jin fled Wuhan rented house. Lu Zhao Jin due to gambling, fun, but also to pay for living expenses, pawn car in exchange for about 200,000 yuan was soon spent. In order to quickly get money, Lu Zhao Jin also start a "line of work." To prevent exposing himself, he specifically requested false documents, give him a landlord wish Huosheng fake ID, fake real estate license. With these false collateral, Lu Zhao Jin Huo-sheng fraudulent use of the name of the landlord wish Ming came to the local car rental company, successfully rented a value of about 250,http://www.mapfan.com/routemap/routeset.cgi,000 of the Honda Accord sedan. After take the car, Lu Zhao Jin immediately opened the car fled, traveling to Baisha Town,abercrombie uomo, Wuhan City, the $ 100,000 price the car sold to a local, was summoned Lu Lu Zhongyuan gold on the fraudulent use of the identity of his brother, and their formalities.

June 15, 2006, Ming largest car rental car rental company leased Accord sedan was found missing, can not contact Lu Zhao Jin made to the local public security organs alarm, Wuhan police investigation immediately.

But the cunning Lu Zhao Jin cheated sell cars quickly fled after Wuhan, took 100,000 yuan in Zhejiang Lin'an sneaked money.

Zhejiang thief fled, two counts plus body

Be treated as his brother, jailed for four years three months

February 28, 2008 at noon, Lu Zhao Zhen Yong Kim sneaked into the village in Lin'an City,hogan outlet milano, Changhua, by means of a sliding door into the burglary of homes intent to commit theft, and the police found after the head of household,abercrombie, Lu Zhao Jin seeing jumping through the window to escape,air max tn pas cher,http://home.beamed.com/search/search.cgi, the head of household and the surrounding neighbors pressed hard, Lu Zhao Jin took out a prepared electric batons, ditch, causing the head of household hip dislocation, soft tissue injuries. At this time, the local police rushed to the scene, Lu Zhao Jin captured.

When the interrogation scene, Lu Zhao Jin Lu Zhongyuan called himself, and took his brother's identity, the police will bring it back for further investigation.

Lin'an Police investigation, the Lu Zhao Jin detained in Lin'an City Public Security Bureau Detention Center, and "Lu Zhongyuan," the name of the Lu Zhao Jin sued to Lin'an City Court. August 14, 2008, Lin'an City People's Court to robbery and sentenced to house illegal invasion "Lu Zhongyuan," three months in prison for four years.

After being escorted back to Wuhan, more than eight years imprisonment

False removed two detention centers, no one to see through

July 2008, the Wuhan police recovered at the local Baisha Town Car Leasing Co., Ltd. Ming cheated Accord sedan. After investigation found that the suspect was using Lu Zhongyuan of ID card for the formalities. Thus, the Wuhan police Lu Zhongyuan online pursuit. The same month, Lin'an City Detention Center at the time of the detention officers to verify the discovery is being detained, "Lu Zhongyuan," Department of Wuhan police Internet fugitives, Wuhan police immediately after the arraignment that sent to the detention center in Lin'an, "Lu Zhongyuan." Because "Lu Zhongyuan" alleged contract fraud Car together, turn remanded after the detention center by Lin'an City Wuhan Detention Center. December 5, 2008, Hongshan District of Wuhan City People's Court sentenced to contract fraud "Lu Zhongyuan," eight years in prison, to run concurrently years in prison, serving a sentence in prison Jingzhou City, Hubei Province.


Little one mole

Master serial cheat uncovered

Nantong police recently to be escorted back to prison from Jingzhou

Five years, Lu Zhao Jin's case changed hands several times, but never relaxed Nantong Public Security to his arrest. In late October of this year, the police rushed to Lu Zhao Jin repeatedly sent home to carry out arrest work.

Yang County is located in southeastern Hubei Province, through visits, police learned Zhuabu Zu Lu Zhao Jin town before fleeing in their misdeeds, all day idle,http://www.cf-arai.com/exec/photobbs/joyful.cgi, and because of the high of a village in the open with snacks, tobacco shop and repeatedly take and eat for free its deep grudges, Zhuabu Zu police decided to take advantage of this favorable factors, the high of a post from a "friend." A few days later, provides an extremely high a valuable information: Before the Spring Festival in 2008, Lu Zhao Jin had been emerging in the sun, and took several thousand dollars worth of alcohol in a store,woolrich parka, but there has been no high-paying. After the Spring Festival, the high of a call to a gamblers Lu gold inquire whereabouts, he was immediately informed of Lu Zhao Jin jail.

The suspected bogus

Police analysis,piumino moncler outlet, Lu Zhao Jin Chongchuan wanted by police after being arrested and then sentenced the Internet did not show, most likely fraudulent use of the identity of others, and be able to impersonation identity must have two conditions: with the fraudulent use of human physical characteristics similar; fraudulent use of familiar living environment,http://home.kanto-gakuin.ac.jp/~kg068601/cgi-bin/i_light.cgi, including family members, household information, dialect features, and so on. Subsequently, Zhuabu Zu police in cooperation with the local public security organs, carefully combed the recent positive new membership list is combating personnel, including one called "Lu Zhongyuan," the man quickly into the police's attention. According to police investigators, Lu Zhao brother Lu Zhongyuan two gold looks very much like, but Lu Zhongyuan been in poor health for years never left positive new home.

Mole help solve the case

However, according to statistics, Lu Zhongyuan, 27 years old, live in Yang County in Hubei Village, a group Dawang alley. Found guilty of robbery, illegal invasion of residential crimes, contract fraud, was sentenced to twelve years, and now Jingzhou prison. After verification, Lu Zhao Ming Jiaolv Zhongyuan gold exchange a brother, although the difference between the two age 7 years old, but looks very much alike. They took photos again than right,mulberry purse outlet, the police discovered a problem or have a small mole on the bottom left corner of Lu Zhongyuan, while Lu Zhao Jin did not. Police and face recognition are recognized in Jingzhou prison is Lu Zhao Jin, Lu Zhongyuan, not really through. November 1, Lu Zhao Jin Nantong police escort back.


Lu Zhao Jin detainees to Nantong City Detention Center after for his original "little smart" regret. Remorse because he had to pay more to worry about then a crime, rather than confess his real name, the name of his brother in an attempt to muddle through, but I do not know the net of justice, it is difficult to escape. According to the police, if Lu Zhao Jin then confess his real name, with sentencing court adjudicating cases and Nantong here, then part of the total prison sentence of execution of the merger shorter time than it is now executed.

She was injured

According to police investigators, Lu Zhao Jin series of criminal cases, the victims than most car rental agency Humei Yu. July 2006, after Chongchuan Economic Investigation Brigade investigators found Lu Zhao Jin from rent cheated at the three cars, all in King County, Hubei Province,http://cgi.zms.or.jp/~mshiba/custombbs.cgi/uhAUbylC/, Yang was new pawn pawn, these vehicles are Humei Yu redemption . Because these vehicles are borrowed from a friend, car rental shop to do business on their own, usually made money will be divided profit to those car owners, since these cars are Lu Zhao Jin cheated, vehicle owners have come to ask for , huge debt always oppressed , despite knowing that the vehicle is now being pawn in Hubei Jing new pawn shops, but pad their savings are still not enough for many years, until April 2007, borrow money from relatives and friends at the East Minato fight the West, and finally three cars from pawn redemption, for which Hu Meiyu carry a heavy debt, husband and their divorce. Today, Hu Meiyu still run by rental debt to survive.