
Minister leg as big as a watermelon cancer 10 year-old girl Huang Yan Ru failed to avoid the fate of being amputated in order to save her life, Hainan Medical College Hospital doctors Dec. 6 am for its implementation amputation. Noon, 11:40 minutes,chaussure nike tn requin pas cher, small Yan Ru operating room after being launched, clearly called out, "Mom." The doctor said surgery went well,Hogan outlet, the scene waiting for the people moved to tears.

Currently small Yan Ru Yi Fuyuan sea ICU stay. According to doctors, Yan Ru due to severe anemia, heart and lung failure, the surgical risk is very large. The surgery is a "Nine Lives."

■ reporter Wang Jun Xu Xin

Accompanied by her mother the night before surgery Yan Ru

Due to prepare in advance some of the preoperative and 6 in the morning, a small Yan Ru still did not wake up from sleep, he was the medical staff to promote the operating room. Along the way, Yan Ru parents and medical staff kept saying to her, "Do not be afraid." When parting,, waking from a dream Yan Ru Xiaoshengdiwen mother: "? Mom,hogan interactive, do you want to go downstairs," Mom immediately clasped her daughter's hand and said: "Mom does not go downstairs, my mother at the door waiting for you, waiting for you come out. "Yan Ru This ease into the operating room.

He Xiaoying small Yan Ru's mother told reporters, Yan Ru like fun, in order to reduce her fear of surgery, parents and relatives specially convened so that they come early in the morning on the 6th to Yan Ru cheer. "I did not expect so early into the operating room, and Yan Ru did not wait for relatives, she was certainly very lost."

He Xiaoying According to reports, the 5th night she always enlighten Yan Ru, let her not to be afraid, brave face surgery. "Even adults face this thing to be afraid of, not to mention she was a child. Yan Ru childhood never left me, she had also asked me to accompany her into the operating room, but the doctor does not agree.

"I did not sleep all night last night, because she cried old leg pain, I'll rub her legs for a night, I hope she can have a good sleep, keep a good mental preparation for surgery." He Xiaoying said.

Before surgery, Yan Ru firmly on Dad said:. "I'm a bit scared,nike tn, but that's okay, and so after the surgery I was not afraid of the" This sentence feel bitterness, "she is too small, completely I do not know the seriousness of this surgery, think what would get better after the surgery, she did not know there is another possible surgery. "

Who love spontaneous cheer for Yan Ru

In small Yan Ru pushed the operating room, not long after the rain nearly 10 relatives rushed to the hospital. Including Yan Ru's uncle, aunt, cousin and aunt and others. "I ride the electric car more than 40 minutes to get here,piumini moncler, you cheer for her." Yan Ru's uncle told reporters.

In small Yan Ru surgery process, happen to have six caring people together to come see her. Her parents gave a blessing red envelope,christian louboutin soldes, Yan Ru hope everything goes well. Ms Wong told reporters take the lead, before she and her colleagues did not know Yan Ru on the 6th surgery, "we just agreed well take a look at this child, I did not expect her surgery today." Ms Wong said that Yan Ru's condition after They flats many employees voluntary contributions.

Reporters noted that in front of the theater, a man has been waiting there until the end of surgery. Upon learning the news of the successful surgery Yan Ru,, he moved to tears. This man called Wang Zhonghai, Hainan Province, the Secretary-General Soong Ching Ling Foundation, is one of the first to discover the condition of small Yan Ru people. Most recently, he was head of Datong neighborhood offices and do a lot of work, including the mobilization of the foundation members of the unit for a small donation Yan Ru, Ru Yan enlighten parents, contact Hainan Medical College Hospital doctor consultation, etc., he also treatment options with your doctor to study together.

"Since before the child's body is too weak, the hospital for surgery is not much confidence, and the family is afraid her daughter never came back after surgery, but if not treated early, Yan Ru life only a month, the surgery, then there survivors hope. these days, I have always been small Yan Ru surgery as soon as possible, in order to fight Yan Ru students want. "Wang Zhonghai said small Yan Ru smoothly after surgery, has been tugging at his heart is considered down.

In the process of waiting, a message shocked reporters, someone deliberately went to Yan Ru blessing of Nanshan.

Everyone was moved to tears successful surgery

Around 11:40 noon, a doctor from the operating room, solemnly told the family: "The operation went well, and now ready to send ICU observation." Heard these words, people waiting outside jumping up.

In small Yan Ru pushed his way to the intensive ward, dozens of people came up to see her. At this point very clear small Yan Ru, also shouted "Mom", although the sound is very weak, but let the presence of people moved to tears. To see her daughter emerged unscathed, while Yan Ru's father tears, while excitedly around one by one and shake hands, cry and cry to thank.

"Relieved, relieved." This was the presence of people put up a sentence.

Work Committee Haikou Datong neighborhood offices also the scene of the entire Eastern thinking has been waiting for. According to him, Hainan Medical College Hospital for Huang Yan Ru's condition conducted three times a full-house expert assessment, it is prudent to develop a treatment plan. To ensure smooth operation,, Hainan Soong Ching Ling Foundation also invited well-known experts in Beijing 301 Hospital and the Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Yan Ru small remote consultation, the experts agreed that small Yan Ru critical condition, its recommendations as soon as possible in Hainan surgery.

Small Yan Ru usually like to draw, to make her life in the future with confidence, Datong district offices and Hainan Province has been ahead of Soong Ching Ling Foundation convened a lot of students like to paint, I hope these students to chat with Yan Ru, by this ways for her psychological counseling.

Small Yan Ru current good state of mind

Afterward, the reporter interviewed one surgeon to Huang Yan Ru surgery \ orthopedic residency at sea Fuyuan Peng. According to him, the surgery went very smoothly, due to excessive bleeding during surgery, Yan Ru now is still so weak. "70 percent of her body are absorbed by the blood of tumor leg, once amputated, will inevitably lead to excessive bleeding." Yu Peng said that it is with this in mind, the hospital before surgery to make full preparations. "To give a small blood Yan Ru provide security, we prepare in advance a 2000 ml of blood in the surgery actually took more than 1000 ml of blood."

Yu Peng said that the risk of this operation is very large, the worst is probably not out of the operating room. Because the body is extremely weak Yan Ru, a few days in the hospital before surgery has been giving her nutritional supplements, "Who would have thought for some time down, her tumor big circle, the body has not improved significantly, all the nutrients have been absorbed by the tumor. "

Yu Peng told reporters, Yan Ru now there hypoalbuminemia, multiple lung metastases. Hypoproteinemia wounds occur in patients with symptoms such as edema, wound healing. "The next few days of the observation period is very critical, surgery has been successful, to see if she could spend the next few days smoothly." Yu Peng said.

The 6th night at half past six, the reporter again contacted the father of small Yan Ru Huang Haisheng, he said, small Yan Ru's mental state is good,hogan, according to doctor's orders,tn nike requin pas cher, at night you can drink milk.

Press Review

Yan Ru suffered very little sympathy

November 19, the Southern Metropolis Daily published a large photo on the front page of small Yan Ru, leg tumor as big as watermelons, skinny little hands still doing dance moves, sharp little face,woolrich bologna, big eyes full of desire for life.

Her father say, by the end of November last year, she was always shouting leg pain, the parents took her to the hospital for treatment interrogation, the doctor suspected osteomyelitis or osteosarcoma, but has not been confirmed. Then, after a few months, she can no longer separate walk. Doctor recommended surgery and chemotherapy simultaneously cut off the tumor, but may relapse after surgery. In the hospital, Huang Haisheng heard several examples of surgical failure, worried about her daughter misfortune,moncler italia, decided to conservative treatment. He found a lot of doctors, but only watched her legs tumor grew bigger and bigger.

Small Yan Ru's father when temporary workers at the Longhua Sanitation Bureau,, the income of only one thousand yuan a month early, and his wife, He Xiaoying before doing odd jobs in the city, after she became ill in bed, urine can not take care of themselves, she must daily keep at home care, can no longer go out to work, there is no income.'s father had died,, 78-year-old mother this year,, and can receive 1,300 yuan monthly pension, in the economy, became a pillar of the family.

After the newspaper reported that the community contributions 460,000 yuan

After the newspaper published November 19 Huang Yan Ru personal fundraising account, to November 21 morning, there have been 41,000 yuan donations arrival. November 20 Japanese newspaper reported that Hainan track Soong Ching Ling Foundation decided to contribute 50,000 yuan to establish a special rescue small Yan Ru ledger, while the governing unit for fundraising messages. To November 21 at noon, the Foundation rescue small Yan Ru special ledger amount reached 72,200 yuan.

Some readers sent spontaneous donations door. November 21 at noon, a Mr. Kong told reporters inquired after a small Yan Ru's home address that sent $ 10,000 in cash. He did not leave his name, leaving only a small Yan Ru sentence --- hope speedy recovery.

November 20, Secretary for Education, Longhua Wang Jinbo with Council leadership and 26 small school leadership to small Yan Ru home, encourage small Yan Ru overcome the disease, and sent 3,000 yuan relief funds. And specifically to the region issued a written proposal to all primary and secondary schools, called on the teachers and students and the community of caring people together to help small Yan Ru,, so that she can return to school as soon as possible. Bit of love, converging to the sea, five dollars,, ten dollars ...... donations region Longhua District students, and filled with a full three boxes. November 26, leading Longhua District, Haikou Longhua District Board of Education District and three heavy boxes holding a total of 200,000 yuan love money, and sent a small Yan Ru hands.

November 21 afternoon, Hainan Medical College Hospital orthopedics professor, chief physician door to pay his party visited Queensland small Yan Ru, experts believe that small Yan Ru's condition is not optimistic, recommended that its inpatient treatment as soon as possible, after further examination,hogan saldi outlet, it is highly likely need amputation.

To Dec. 6 pm, Hainan Soong Ching Ling Foundation rescue small Yan Ru special ledger contributions received 120,abercrombie pas cher,000 yuan, the newspaper had published Huang Yan Ru personal accounts receive cash donations and received a total of nearly 340,000 yuan, two donations totaling 460,000 yuan.