
Increase the burden of proof upside terms so that consumers of online shopping has seven days to regret right - In less than two weeks,spaccio woolrich verona, after a lapse of nearly 20 years for the first time the new consumer law will be amended to implement. However, in the interview,nike tn requin, the Yangzi Evening News reporter has found grace period before implementation of new regulations for several months has suffered cold at the Nanjing business, while contrast is professional fake people, but in the "Sabre-rattling." Secretary-General Xu Ming Nanjing Consumers Association, said the lack of commercial enterprises to respond effectively to the new status quo Consumer Law measures would not avoid suffered blowout service complaints.

Yangzi Evening News reporter Chen Yu

Two days of hot and cold CASE hotline


Hot Secretary-General hotline phone into a professional fake people

Last October 25th and 12th the fifth meeting of the NPC Standing Committee formally adopted revised "Consumer Law" decision. The law has been concerned about the whole process of revision of Nanjing Consumers Association Secretary-General Xu Ming, during this buffer period before the implementation of the new consumer law, be professional fake people frequently "harassment." Xu Ming told the Yangtze Evening News reporter,woolrich cadriano orari, new content consumer law after the adoption of a publication, he received a phone call is the first professional fake people. After the crackdown were very keenly aware of new consumer law major changes, a breakthrough in many respects to the rights crackdown has brought better development space. Xu Ming said, these were initially concerned about the crackdown after the implementation of the new consumer law, their living conditions exactly what changes will occur. And soon, their attention shifts to the interpretation of the terms up, some provisions they even can recite every word.

Xu Ming on the phone became professional fake people Hotline, while Nanjing Consumers Association of complaints hotline is also being sought in the past few months professional fake people.

A staff member of the Association Complaints Department told the Yangtze Evening News reporter, after the promulgation of the new consumer law content, they can receive weekly average over ten professional fake people call Tel. "We feel that the phone questioner was very professional, and even some of the problems that we can not immediately give answers." Complaint Department staff recalled,cappotto woolrich, who can not answer the question, they will do the recording, before long. " seeking answers, "the phone will call. Gradually phone number recorded by the Consumers Association found that many calls were familiar faces,http://www.laosun.tv/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=144130, apparently quite professional with these questions to consumers is likely that professional fake people.

Professional fake people while in the sector and new consumer rights law relevant professional advice,spaccio piumini, on the other hand is also self-training. Xu Ming told the Yangtze Evening News reporter, some professional fake business training institutions in non-stop, these more specialized training to industry development areas in depth. Training institutions in the teaching process, including laws and regulations, rights forensics skills, how to deal with the administrative organs, agencies, and other consumer association has a corresponding ways.

Cold businesses to the associations of five advisory only three months

Xu Ming respect, just as the transformation of the new Consumer Law Consumer activist upgraded sword, will stimulate the enthusiasm of consumers rights,air jordan pas cher, which appears high number of new rights claims.

For example, he said, consumers shopping in the supermarket, the supermarket price behavior clearly constitutes a case of fraud, consumers can get three times the compensation, the amount is less than 500 yuan, 500 yuan can get compensation.

"Obviously, the amount of compensation increase consumer fraud rights will significantly stimulate the enthusiasm of consumers." Xu Ming said, one is inverted the burden of proof is easier for consumers rights, on the other hand, increase the amount of compensation cost for consumers rights reduced, these changes will herald the merchant service, or if they exist commodity quality defects,aire max bw pas cher, will face more claims rights of consumers.

But let Xu Ming somewhat puzzling is that the face of aftermarket activist peak pressure may occur brought about by the implementation of a buffer during this period up to the action, after-sales service business for nearly five months is not much, but come to the associations consulting businesses, it was only a handful of three.

Xu Ming respect, the new consumer law enacted in October, after five months and then implement it in the middle of the time is to give companies a buffer adaptation period, but from the business point of view reaction Nanjing, these subjects are not sensitive to the reaction of the market economy,http://www.koware.net, corresponding service policy is still lagging behind,woolrich offerte, so he foresaw three? after 15 implementation of the new Consumer Law, which lack the necessary coping mechanisms of commercial enterprises, in the face of rising consumer activist enthusiasm will inevitably surprise.

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Hot dialogue professional fake people: "professional fake entered a golden period"

Zhang Yong (a pseudonym) is content after the promulgation of the new Consumer Law, opened a professional fake people Nanjing Consumers Association Secretary-General Xu Ming phone,jordan pas cher pour fille, he told the Yangtze Evening News reporter, the implementation of this grace period before consumer law, he is,http://dreamer.bne.jp/arata/aska2/aska.cgi????,peuterey prezzi uomo, and little friends come together to study the new terms, but is related to people's livelihood, food industry will be the focus of their crackdown field.

And after the promulgation of the new Consumer Law, Zhang Yong but practical, because Xu Ming told him, Consumer Law and no professional fake people will be excluded from the consumer category. Xu Ming told him, in the process of consumer rights in the new consumer law, and did not require an investigation of the identity of the parties or confirmed, but more concerned about is whether you have to accept the services or purchase of goods act.

"Professional fake,basket requin pas cher, a single income family on down to the four-digit or more generally, if diligent, then the income is very impressive." Yong told the Yangtze Evening News reporter, in general, many businesses trouble, willing private settlement, if compensation the right amount, they will just leave, but because the previous law did not eliminate Juzhengdaozhi and higher penalty clause, and therefore the cost of rights has been high; but now, with the burden of proof and increase the amount of punitive damages, They were professional fake entered a golden period.

One reason is to reduce the cost of rights. According to the original consumer law, business product quality problems, then the maximum penalty clause is a paid one. In the past, buy a 500 yuan clothes, going to the quality of the testing fee 500 yuan, according to the old back a lost one to count, this fake and not worth one to make their own testing,woolrich ragazzo, and secondly, the amount of compensation low, often busy for a while, the other is likely to compensate the cost of your rights. Another reason is that in accordance with the provisions of the new consumer law in the face of complaints from consumers, businesses will be responsible for the burden of proof,tn max, thus eliminating the crackdown by the testing fees, time, cost, financial cost would be reduced, and certainly not now detect evidence back and forth So tired.

"After the implementation of the new consumer law, some previous bad touch areas will be the focus of our anti-counterfeiting object." Yong explains, mainly from the inversion mechanism for this change in the burden of proof. Itself with respect to businesses, professional fake and consumers are at a disadvantage due to asymmetric information, they tend to fall into difficulty detecting.

Cold dialogue Merchant: "and other problems and then discuss countermeasures."

Yangzi Evening News reporter in an interview found that some businesses in the service sector Nanjing face the imminent implementation of the new consumer law really slow to respond,outlet cadriano woolrich, although implementation of the new Consumer Law day is close at hand, but the majority of businesses are still in a wait state, did not do the necessary preparations to deal with changes in consumer law.

"We had also mentioned with the leadership,http://www.sedpicapital.com/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=80231, want to open a training session to learn new consumer law,parka artic woolrich, but the company does not attach importance to the upper end to nothing." Reluctantly Nanjing, a commercial retail business sales customer service staff told the Yangtze Evening News reporter, their mall leadership itself does not attach importance to the service sector, because this sector does not create economic benefits in the enterprise, so in his view, only until the occurrence of one or two typical compensation cases, the mall will pay attention to it, to the time they will bring with New consumer law to change the terms are incompatible.

Compared to the store for the new consumer law business is slow, the reaction network business is not fast. Yangzi Evening News reporter asked as a consumer to know whether some of Taobao stores after the implementation of the new consumer law consumers have "the right to regret",http://www.pubklaw.com,giubbino peuterey uomo, many businesses have said they did not know,woolrich bologna spaccio, and for consumer fraud tripled punitive provisions, these businesses also appears poorly understood.

Nanjing Consumers Association Secretary-General Xu Ming:


Refrigerators, air conditioning problems by the merchant to prove

With less than two weeks, it will implement the new Consumer Law, which can help consumers rights activist terms? Yangzi Evening News reporter yesterday, Secretary-General of direct dialogue Nanjing Consumers Association Xu Ming, asked him to Weapon.

Buy 2 pounds of rice prices is wrong to claim for 500 yuan

Case: When Miss Liu shopping in a supermarket and saw a promotion of Thai rice, the original price 10.5 yuan / kg,air max requin, promotional price of 6.2 yuan / kg. Miss Liu felt very cheap, they buy one kilogram. After checkout home,http://bbs.51dtstudy.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=51205, Ms. Liu was found at the supermarket checkout, are settled according to the original price of rice, so she found a supermarket to claim compensation.

Xu Ming: not only in multiples of punitive damages revised "Consumer Law" from "retreat one lose two" to "retreat one lose three," but also the minimum amount of compensation to be determined. These cases, the supermarket price behavior clearly constitutes a fraud,piumini moncler vendita on line, according to the revised "Consumer Law", Ms. Liu could get three times the compensation,woolrich spaccio, since the amount is less than 500 yuan, so Miss Liu will be compensated $ 500.

Reminder: This principle of compensation fraud, consumer behavior only exists for operators. The so-called consumer fraud act refers to operators in the provision of goods or services, to take false or other improper means to deceive, mislead consumers, so that the legitimate interests of consumers behavior compromised.

Cars, air conditioners and other problems to be used by businesses to prove

Case: Mr. Zhang bought a mini fridge in a mall promotional activities, can be used after two months, a small fridge inside wall cracks will appear. Zhang took the invoice to find the mall,http://www.jikongzhe.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=82914, but the mall think small refrigerator Zhang Department of man-made damage, do not agree to help Zhang free repair.

Xu Ming: "Who advocates, who the burden of proof" is the general rules of evidence of "Civil Law" provisions. Consumer goods in order to prove the existence of a defect must produce evidence to, but because they do not master the technology and other related information, consumers burden of proof is often very difficult. The "Consumer Law" to modify the consumers 'rights to take evidence "Convert to operators' self prove innocence," the burden of proof reversed, the burden of proof is difficult to understand exactly what the consumer problem. According to the revised "Consumer Law", the above-mentioned case, the refrigerator or without quality problems, should be proof businesses.

Reminder: This rule only applies to motor vehicles and other durable goods and decoration services, and is limited to the purchase or acceptance within six months from the date of service, after more than six months, no longer apply.

(Original title: professional fake,http://www.zaplike.com/xc422bgwq/blog/530974/, a single income family on down thousands)