
Yesterday, Luzhou rain was falling steadily, while cattle jintanzhen Xiong mood as the weather in general, somewhat gloomy. 4 days ago suffered misfortune, let this once happy family descend into grief. This turn of events grandfather lost grandchildren, parents lost a child, his wife lost her husband, six months old daughter lost a father - changes in his "hero" is a 21-year-old bears a strong (a pseudonym). September 14, bears on cattle jintanzhen family and friends for dinner, dinner Tuibeihuanzhan crowded. After the 21-year-old bear strong a drink, his father reminded him drink less kindness, but then his son after a dispute. Inter dispute, enraged bear strong out dining room, called on a "Mount", "Master, take me to the bridge, I want to jump the bridge!" Wanted to talk, others thought of this joke, but it changed the families. Subsequently, bears strong from the town bridge,chaussures nike tn, jumped into the billowing Seto River.

Yesterday visits

Woebegone parents unbearable son died

On the street next to the cow jintanzhen government next to the third floor of a building that bears a strong family, from the outside, as if to restore its former calm. Subsequently, the reporter to wait a long time to see the bear a strong family. His wife, holding six months old daughter, in the company of friends, walked quickly back to the home. Later, bears a strong father came back from the outside, an umbrella, who stood in the rain, his brow furrowed.

Soon, bears a strong mother slowly approached, and bears the parent umbrella to go home. Very short few steps, but they come so far, bears floating in the mother sad face, lost a favorite son of the middle-aged mother is undoubtedly a heavy blow. Not long after, bears a strong grandfather, grandmother back from the outside, which his wife put the dish,http://bbs.cnw.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, umbrella, walked into the house.

Bears live in the downstairs neighbor, working with reporters talking about this a turn of events, had to go home before the mother bear, but upstairs at home go down. She slowly sat bantam stool, still look sad, when it comes to bear a strong thing,http://www.res99.com/nexres/search/power_search.cgi, she could not help but burst into tears. Neighbors bear, have stepped forward to comfort.

What happened that day?

Father and son jumping off the Bridge Hotel disagree drowning

Why a young man, would leave their parents, left his wife and child, choose jumping into a river to commit suicide? Reporters surrounded by multi-understand, trying to restore what happened.

From the information learned basically confirmed: September 14 at noon, bears a strong family go "people blessing", and friends for dinner at a restaurant cattle jintanzhen, dinner Tuibeihuanzhan,http://cgi.geocities.jp/yoppadon/geocgi/golf/golf22.cgi/, inevitably drink a few glasses. After the 21-year-old bear strong a drink, his father made him drink a little kindness to remind wine, but the two sides had an argument,http://www.neurodermitis.ch/cgi-bin/neurodermitis/search/search.cgi, let Quanjiu into bickering.

Immediately, bear strong it out of the hotel, went to the square in front of the car shouting,air jordan 11 pas cher,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=6&page=Lastseasonwhowas%5B/url, but also loudly shouted "Mount" saying, "Master, take me to the bridge, I want to jump the bridge."

At this time, being on the street relatives happen to hear, and fear of bears strong accident followed him and notified the bear strong parents.

Bear went to the bridge after strong, while smoking a cigarette while also smoke more chaos will spread. "It was almost 14:00, the bridge is still a lot of people have thought that this man was a 'madman'." Near the scene that day had aunt said, "during which he gave his wife made a phone call saying, 'I'm gone You say to baby cry ', after these words, behold, he jumped into the Seto River. "

Residents around the introduction, bears a strong jump off the bridge there are a lot of people came over the crowd, police and other rescue workers immediately rushed to the scene and quickly in the river salvage.

"Rescue or how fast, but the river nearly 50 meters wide, 20 meters high bridge, the water is still relatively deep, people jump from the bridge basically would have been dead." Aunt had said, "more than 10 minutes later, people salvage up, but not breathing. "

He is the kind of person?

Neighbors: man passionate love riding

Bears strong young life so gone, endless grief to his family,tn air max pas cher, six months old daughter also lost father.

Bears a strong family is how? Most neighbors said this, bears a strong family carefree, do not belong to that rich, but belong to a well-off life. "His family for his fine, parents still blessing set to buy him two houses, ready to use after his marriage." Neighbor Yang brother said.

It bears a strong personality how? "His performance is not very good, I heard on the finished junior high school is no reading. Usually like to play basketball Han Kazakhstan, as well as particularly like mountain biking, but also added some Cycling Association, often riding a ride with friends, listening to said some time ago to participate in a cycling race, also received a good ranking. "Young Brother," said the character ah, did not feel introverted person, his friend is more, it should be more outgoing. "

Such a wide range of hobbies, make friends of young people, why would embark himself of no return? "His manners are good parents, the family is very harmonious, have not heard any great contradiction." Neighbors also bears strong speculation why commit suicide.

But a kind of common argument is: Bears strong age too young, mentally not mature enough, will inevitably be criticized when parents would have some radical ideas. "I heard his parents criticized him recently do not work, expensive and wasteful, became home to more consideration for his wife and children." Some neighbors said.

Experts sound

Child personality defects found psychological problems should be early intervention

Neighbors in the eyes of such a wide range of hobbies, make friends of young people, but embarked on a road of no return, will make people regret and doubt - this "little father," Why will embark on the road to ruin?

In this regard, the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital of Psychosomatic Medicine Center, said Zhou Bo,basket air jordan pas cher, bears a strong basic events can explain the child's character is flawed, also shows that parents' education problems, but also have a significant impact on the environment bears strong.

"In the family comfortably,chaussures tn pas cher, living a privileged environment children grow up, the lack of character from childhood temper encountered something impulsive, easy to make yourself regret things after his family after the impulse." Cycle, "said impulse to commit suicide with personality forming a relationship, after these people are impulsive irrational. "

Cycle introduced in the child's growth, family education is important, it should let the children honing personality,air max france, experience setbacks, mistakes should not just in their later education, education should be run through a child's life,nike 90 pas cher, "This allows the child to establish a good view of the world, life concept, emotional outlook. "

Zhou Bo said that in addition to impulsive suicide,chaussures tn pas cher, as well as depression and suicide. "Meet psychological problems, early detection parents should give proper guidance, and provide the correct treatment."

Cycle, "said depressed patients in need of social,tn requin pas cher, family, friends, loved ones more help, so that they can have confidence out of the closed world. Additionally more on your own, if severe depression,air max tn pas cher, rushed to the pain, affect learning, work ,http://www.fukushi-hiroba.com/magazine/cgi/talk/ftalk.cgi?res=211%3C/a%3E, which requires professional medical psychological intervention, psychotherapy and medication. "

Further Reading

The pressure of life for young people depressive tendencies aroused great attention should be

Strong Bear death to loved ones tremendous grief, and bears a strong event is not the case.

Around May 6 this year at 1:00, 19-year-old girl green (a pseudonym) jumped from the bridge Tuojiangosaurus II (newspaper once said that "after an argument with her boyfriend, 19-year-old girl jumped into the Tuojiang" in the title report). The reason for the young green jump the bridge is: Suspected dispute with her boyfriend, irrational impulse to jump off the bridge.

Reporters on the Internet search found the news about suicide nearly more than 800 million pieces,chaussures tn requin pas cher, their jump bridge committed suicide for different reasons, but it comes to young people to commit suicide is greater. Among them, some experts pointed out: life stress, emotional distress is a major cause of lead young people to commit suicide. In the suicide crowd, about 70% is cause depression, should aroused widespread concern. Huaxi City Reading reporters Fei Meng

Immediately comment

Why not live, live!

■ Li root

Little death, and will not set off too many waves in the earth,http://reseller.web-matrix.jp,tn nike pas cher, but for the family, but it is endless pain. Reflect on the tragedy, to face death, humanity's many weaknesses will be exposed. 21-year-old man, a father, should assume family responsibilities, you should learn to face all the setbacks,http://www.amiscu.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi, if adversity, always give up, always extreme, will enter the self-destructive cycle.

"Hibiscus Town" in this sentence: alive, to live, to live like a dog. This sentence firm and have confidence that they can penetrate life, arrived in our heart of hearts, others can not seize.

The 1994 Oscars, "Forrest Gump" biggest competitor is "The Shawshank Redemption", if the "Forrest Gump" is a humorous dream, then "Andy," the self-redemption is alive. Simpler than the dream alive, but far more cruel dream.

Life boils down to a simple choice: engrossed born engrossed died. We prefer engrossed born, even if it ran like Forrest Gump as comfortable or as tough as Andy survival.