
Huna did not think 11-year-old girl, squeeze squeeze pimples will actually cause life-threatening. Yesterday,nike tn requin pas cher, she was lying Wuhan Children's Hospital, fever did not retire,http://www.jx5888.com/service/feedback_look.php?id=20689,giubbino peuterey uomo, the disease is unclear.

Huna, who lives in Xiaogan,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, from last year, grow some acne on her face, the girl Amy,moncler outlet online, she often hand squeeze pox, acne wanted to hurry away. A week ago, Huna also squeezed out a few, the next day begins with fever, followed by body aches. After 4 days of treatment at a local hospital, more severe symptoms, was unable to move the left arm swollen,http://www.pzytgj.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=11261, purple body, family Mangjiang her to the Wuhan Children's Hospital for treatment. The investigation,peuterey milano, Huna is suffering from severe sepsis,Hogan outlet, osteomyelitis, lung abscess, puncture through the inner left arm were found in pus. Doctor immediately for surgery, from her left shoulder out of more than 100 ml of pus drainage.

Wuhan Children's Hospital orthopedic Shen Tao, deputy chief physician,woolrich 2014, said first, Huna is Staphylococcus aureus infection, the cause is inflammation after squeeze acne, the current through blood transfusion,moncler sito ufficiale outlet, transfusion of gamma globulin and the use of powerful antibiotics, the disease has not been increased.

Wuhan Union Hospital,http://www.holic-ro.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=153428#p153428, Professor of Dermatology that adolescent children squeeze acne is very common,hogan uomo outlet, but it is high-risk behavior,giubbotto woolrich, if hands are not washed or nail too long, easy to bacteria into the hands of acne,woolrich parka, ranging from facial infection small to big pustule acne,http://www.dojjj.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,moncler, leaving smallpox in India, while there may be danger of their lives.

Wuhan Children's Hospital experts,tn pas cher, the human face has a "dangerous triangle", that both sides of the mouth to the bridge of the nose triangular area formed by the connection, including the person's upper and lower lip, nose and nose on both sides and so on. This area relatively strong oil secretion, it is easy to plug the pores acne.

Poll facial blood supply is very rich, and the veins in the head and face of a lack of valves,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, unable to prevent the backflow of blood, so blood backflow into the brain upwards. When the facial inflammation, facial inflammation may spread to the brain, intracranial infection. In addition,http://bbs.cnkoi.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=278689, the bacteria will enter the arterial circulation through the rest of the body, will form the abscess into the lungs,http://www.jyxsyxx.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=2502, the liver will form a liver abscess, the most serious is triggered systemic infection, sepsis. (Wuhan Evening News)

(Original title: Girl squeeze pimples osteomyelitis caused severe life-threatening)