
Original title: free high-speed holiday a few happy tears

British newspaper reporter Kang Yuan Weihua

Major holidays waive the small passenger concern local implementation rules toll has finally appeared, on the 12th, several provinces of Hebei, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and other free rules have been disclosed. With the holidays comes for "free speed" is also a few happy, some unhappy.

Road and Bridge Company revenue impact should be less than 7%

"Hebei major holidays waive the small passenger car toll opinions" provides free passage of time ranging from four countries, the Spring Festival,moncler milano,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/joyful.cgi, Qingming Festival, Labor Day, National Day and other holidays, national holidays and year above the State Council document identified Even holiday. Free period from the first day of the holidays 00:00, 24:00, ending the last day of the holidays (ordinary road vehicles subject to toll lane through the toll station time to exit the vehicle left the highway toll lane, whichever time, these times are GMT). Turnpike toll free within the range of the province approved the law all toll roads (including toll bridges and tunnels).

According to these Rules,moncler uomo, Hebei will be set free lanes of vehicles, "minibus dedicated channel to set logo mark, logo mark to be clearly visible,louboutin soldes, easy driver recognition." In addition, Hebei highway free programs still need to receive the card, Free time in the fast time of the node, which is the leading card driver on the road no matter at what time, as long as the card to pay the stipulated time, for free.

Free passage on the bridge's impact be? Prior to the Ministry of Transport Research Institute experts said the amount billed major holidays a province turnpike between 30 million to 50 million yuan, a few holidays together about 600 million yuan, nearly all of the country add up to 20 billion toll stations Yuan. At present, China Turnpike toll revenue of about 300 billion yuan in the year, in order to calculate the effect of the total income of about 6%.

During the interview, Hebei high-speed sections of staff, said on condition of anonymity because of Beijing road, so weekends and holidays, Hebei high-speed sections more vehicles, but because each section is difficult to calculate the size of the vehicle, so the data are difficult to estimate. However, "if free, traffic should be a substantial increase over the current level of service can bear."

Reporter access to data January 30, 2012 show a free New Year's Eve 2012 and the first month two days of Hebei province's highway traffic for 590,585 total, exemption amounted to 43.8567 million yuan. According to statistics,basket nike pas cher, in 2011 New Year's Eve, the first day the province's highway tolls amounted to 15.546 million yuan. 2012 New Year's Eve, the first day the province's highway tolls exemption amount compared with an increase of 182%,http://www.amami-jc.com/joyfulm/joyful.cgi, over the same period in 2011 was 2.82 times the amount of the fee. "Because the eight-day holiday, the holiday province's highway tolls exemption amount should be more than the New Year."

During the interview, the investment adviser, said transportation industry researcher Cai Jianming,nike tn pas cher, holiday minibuses free passage is not large impact on the Road and Bridge Corporation. Small passenger traffic of around 5% of the total traffic, although affected by the policy of free,tn requin pas cher, more people choose small passenger traveling by car, mini-van traffic has increased, but the overall flow or will not exceed 7%. The revenue impact of traffic on the bridge company should be less than 7%.

Traveling by car with a "fire" excursions, car rental Tour

Many industry insiders said that the policy of free passage highway will undoubtedly encourage more people choose to travel by car, traveling by car between this year's National Day of markets or hit a new high. It is reported that during last year's "Golden Week", Qinhuangdao car market accounted Walks Nearly nine, according to the highway Qinhuangdao Management Office statistics,moncler milano, seven days holiday vehicle from the highway into the city of more than 130,000 Qinhuangdao. And with car-based FIT group from Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei,http://tanfeigift.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=680407, Liaoning, Mongolia and other places to become the main force in Chengde holiday tourism market, accounted for 76% of all visitors to bear. Hengshui City, self-driving tourists reached 77,000 people,nike tn, 70.4% of the total visitors. "High-speed free passage, driving increased, for travel agencies concerned, will certainly be affected." Hebei Airlines Group Swan International Travel Service Co., admitted to reporters Wang Baodong, travel around,http://www.comtown.jp, short trips or will lead to registration as free high-speed reduction. However, it seems Wang Baodong,http://bbs.ec-os.net/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=1224146&uid=22318, the "impact" not too much.

He explained that, for tourists,http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~banchan/yybbs/yybbs.cgi/??U?锚??I?, high-speed access for free during the holiday season, although save a lot of expenses,http://laiv5w.j.887177.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=359627, and more freedom in action, but can also be foreseen, driving the surge in the number of bound will bring traffic congestion, parking difficulties attractions, hotels reservations and other difficult problems.

Reduce travel costs, driving a hot car market also with the fire. Recently, the reporter learned from the provincial capital of several car rental companies, orders during the National Day this year has been significantly higher, and the target date for a lot earlier than in the past. According to the provincial capital, a car rental company responsible person ever to mid-September, orders began to appear, but this year, until now, has received orders for more than a dozen National Car Rental.

Interview, the reporter found that,http://www.macha.jp/cgi-bin/bbs/light.cgi, due to popular demand, rental prices rose slightly, some car rental companies prices rose about 20 percent, and some even raise the car,woolrich parka, "threshold", which calls for more than five days and even rent. However, despite this,louboutin homme, some car rental companies to rent popular models have been completed.

Travelers save 40% of the cost travel revenue rose

As for the impact of tourism, Cai Jianming said the toll of "heroic sacrifice" to bring the residents travel enthusiasm high. Standard small passenger high-speed access charges 0.6 yuan / km, fuel costs about 0.8 yuan / km, free policy for consumers to save about 40% of the cost, stimulation of consumer Day travel significantly, our travel revenue will rise sharply .

A staff member of Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan scenic told reporters that in recent years, the increasing number of tourists traveling by car Qinhuangdao, high-speed toll free National Day this year, is bound to bring more tourists to scenic spots.

And there are also views this form support --- sacrifice to win passage of the tip tourism income "big red" really cost-effective. China's annual road toll revenue of about 300 billion yuan, free passage channel was reduced by approximately 2.1 billion yuan fee. After free policies,woolrich outlet, resident National Travel wishes up to 80%, significantly increasing the ratio of 58% in 2011, is expected to directly enhance the tourism revenue by more than 25%. Last year,moncler piumini, the National Day travel revenue of about 150 billion yuan, which means that the travel revenue will increase 35 billion yuan, much larger than the 2.1 billion yuan in tolls.

Some listed companies face a "bad" but the impact of short-term

During the interview, the investment adviser transportation industry researcher Cai Jianming said that listed companies are affected or will increase. In the current market downturn, strengthen investor sensitivity accordingly, the corresponding increase of the incident response. Despite the impact of short-term performance toll free bridge company is not large, but the "unfavorable" message or let investor dissatisfaction. After the free passage policies, highway shares are cumulative decline of 5% -10%.

However, the short term will not change the charge of the highway within. Despite China's "toll road management regulations" on highway toll repayment period has been stipulated, shall not exceed 20 years. GDP guiding hand of local governments, resulting in a reliance on toll roads; on the other hand, highway fees are an important source of repayment, in the "five-second" intensify the construction of highways goal apparently stop charging " unwelcome. " The holiday free high-speed access, to the impact of listed companies will also be short-lived.