
Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Deng Wanli / photo

Henan million people each year to study abroad, a huge army study showing more new trends:

Undergraduate, graduate is still the mainstream, more girls and polytechnic students, middle-aged man to seek a breakthrough also more

Send their children abroad are mostly middle class, the rich, but the annual income of more than 10 million working families have begun to consider this issue

Car dealers sell Minato tuition,spaccio woolrich, civilian children studying abroad

After returning from overseas, 80% of the selection in North Canton or coastal urban development, there are a lot of people choose to start in a foreign country

Henan Chinese Commercial News reporters Li Yajing and Liu Yao

Open bar, then []

Today, people cry entrance, still in the annual frequency steadily forward.

But with the economic and social development in recent years, more and more people began drifted outside the entrance, opened another path in their lives - to study abroad.

Why did they choose to study abroad? Because of poor grades, another way? Or because domestic hate cramming education, angrily away abroad? What they have the experience and lessons we can learn from and draw?

Starting today, we will be introduced to study in a series of reports,http://www.jaslyn.mylike.me/viewthread.php?tid=69407&extra=,spaccio woolrich, discussing the pros and cons of the sorrows and joys of this group, but also hope that we sort of information for individuals and families prepare to study helpful.

July 21, a world famous tour admissions interview will be held in Zhengzhou, attracted hundreds of parents. Such a study in consultation, frequently staged after the entrance.

Data show that the number of students for three consecutive years of increase of over 24%, about 1 million people in Henan to study abroad each year.

Huge army abroad, also showing more new trend: no longer a rich patent abroad, more and more working-class trying to send their children abroad; "Jinling class" middle-aged people still seek a breakthrough, "study senior citizens' Groups are forming; previous study is to go to school, and now more people after studying in a foreign business ......


40-year-old domestic executives give up everything

Charging look abroad "second spring"

If you almost "middle age the age," is the company executives willing to put down a small second half of hard work, to go abroad to restart it?

I believe most people the answer is: No! Too risky!

Zhengzhou troops abroad,woolrich parka, there is such a small group: they are not short of money, not lack of social status,moncler piumini, to join the army abroad only to "recharge learning" open life "second spring."

Mr. Tang is one of them.

Three years ago, he was the director of human resources for a large group,moncler milano, Xi'an Jiaotong University MBA. Today, the 40-year-old in a University of Virginia study,http://fhk5ovv6162c.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/06/123138, and the whole family to the United States.

"Most people certainly can not understand him! 'General manager EIC Zhengzhou Branch Mr. Zeng Geitang exit procedures of Song Zhengrong brought the matter, have mixed feelings. "He said, has gone through half of life, do not move now, no chance for a lifetime move! Life is the most important thing is the experience,http://ampledates.com/index.php?dll=profile&sub=blogview&item_id=28348&item2_id=377919&ts=1417828456, there may be, there may be wrong. Made the decision, do not regret it!"

Song Zhengrong said Mr. Tang is now like this more and more older students, the company is able to handle the 10 or so per year, which was unthinkable before.

Bad grades

Junior high school will embark on studying the road

Here a "small student" story.

In 2010, the junior high school graduation Liu Ming (pseudonym), did not like the way to high school classmate.

Although only six or seven children, regardless of grain, four sedentary, family or decided to send him to the United States.

Liu Ming's father said: "I really do not want to let the children participate in national college entrance examination, too hard to say, our family child's performance is not very good, even to take the exam, it would not be admitted to universities and their so-consuming!. youth, might as well send him early abroad, broaden their horizons and to accept more advanced education. "

Liu Ming himself very willing to go abroad. In his view, everything is fresh abroad, its dead reading,http://www.xptsp.com/home/xptspn5/public_html/xptsp.com/500..php, as early self-reliance, into the community.

Now, he has successfully apply for entry into a university in the United States, attending more than one year.


Henan million people each year to study abroad, study groups was "olive"

Study abroad has become an irresistible trend of China. So, Henan studying how much the crowd?

According to Qu Ping Australian International Education Consulting Co.,http://www.xptsp.com/home/xptspn5/public_html/xptsp.com/500..php, Ltd. Beijing Branch Manager estimates Zhengzhou, Henan nearly a million people each year to study abroad, a little more than half the total number of Zhengzhou City.

Song Zhengrong said that a few years ago to go abroad mostly young people, this year,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-306.shtml, has been studying the population differentiation, overall was "olive."

"Take our company for business, there are very small age, kindergarten stage abroad, there are relatively large age three or four years old and also to study abroad, and mainstream or undergraduate and graduate each year, 'Olive' in two were about 10 people, undergraduate and graduate students, there are thousands. "

In recent years, a "twin more" than female students and study science and engineering

If you are surrounded by students, a closer look, is not it more and more female students?

Song Zhengrong said that before every house is two or three children, boys abroad, that is something the family line. Now, with 80, 90, grew up, they are mostly one-child generation, so men and women are the same, there is an equal chance to go abroad.

Henan Tenda study chairman Chan Wing-wah said that before, we feel poor students to learn, and we have no way to go abroad, and now the results are a lot of good children abroad, and, gradually favored science and engineering, "because these professional emigration, good job . "


Previous study of mostly middle-class,spaccio moncler, the rich, such as the more than ten million families this year, better

With the transformation of Henan education investment philosophy, an increasing working families to send their children abroad.

"Five years ago, probably more than 30 million annual income families,giubbotti woolrich, the middle,basket nike requin, the rich will consider letting their children abroad. Now, a lot more than $ 100,000 annual income families will consider this issue." Song Zhengrong said, there is a open Parents taxi, also seven million annual income, her cars and houses are sold, sold $ 800,000 for the children to go to America to study.

Currently working families abroad is not the mainstream, with the concept of change, the annual income of more than 10 million families to send their children abroad in the future will be more and more.

Before favor "small language countries", now concentrated in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia

Speaking before the study,http://swiftstep.gotoip4.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, many people would choose Cuba,nike tn homme, Belarus and other small language countries.

Chan Wing-wah said that the wind has changed this year, the United States is still the preferred destination for international students, occupied half of the education market. Significant growth in the number of students in America began in 2007 the United States to relax visa restrictions.

The main destinations abroad is still concentrated in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. Small language countries' share falling instead of rising.

Zhe said that in the 1990s went to Belarus, Ukraine more, now basically no one to go.


Drink after "foreign ink"

Eight adult choice

North Canton or coastal cities

Drink a "foreign ink" after students who prefer to stay in a foreign country, or to return home?

Qu Ping said that every year a considerable number of people do not return, direct employment in foreign companies, or immigrants.

However, foreign universities are strict exit type, finish school is not easy, and some countries have their own student employment problem, so more and more Chinese people choose to return home. In addition, now abroad, mostly child, many people will choose to return home. "However,peuterey prezzi, because there are fewer opportunities for development in Henan, or other aspects of the environment can not be accepted, no more than a year and only 20% of people back home, eight adults will choose North Canton or coastal cities."

Qu Ping said that after all those places greater employment platform. Foreign exchange infrequent small cities, relatively closed, not too attractive to returnees are concerned. "Unless there is a family business,woolrich uomo outlet, or have a special relationship in the local, will consider home."

No longer satisfied

When the "duckweed"

In the study to busy entrepreneurs

Just as many people are busy to go out and Master in Korea 26 years of Anan has embarked on the road of entrepreneurship, and the business is done fast.

He had gone to university in Dalian, sophomore year, the South Korean exchange student for a year.

After graduating from college, Anan to South Korea to pursue a master's degree, opened a store on the Internet, selling household appliances to Chinese students, "had never been seen very profitable month net profit of 20,000 ~ 30,moncler sito ufficiale,000 yuan."

The next year, a friend and a partner Ah Nan, in Seoul City University opened a concentrated area store,http://www.haokc.com/space/space.php?uid=982067&do=blog&id=5406087, business has been good.

Most recently, he has sprouted an idea: to open a brand operating in South Korea company, specializing in Chinese national brand agency, the original Chinese fashion brand to Korea to go.

Today, and Anan, as no longer satisfied just to go abroad more and more students earn diplomas. In the study to grasp opportunities clever, busy work, has become a distinctive feature of the new generation of students.